Natalie Almond is the founder of Anahata Yoga Space - teaching Alchemic Yoga, a Health and Wellness Coach and Hands on Bodyworker.
Since 1990 I have been gathering my experience in yoga and its science along with other healing practices and modalities, my aim is to give you a deeply transformative experience.
Understanding the therapeutic benefits of 'yoga' and 'energy exercise' I utilise them to re-empower, create change and heal. Beginning my own journey with the need to heal myself and did so, successfully; story below......
Running retreats and wellness workshops since 1993, I love the transformative experiences received by my clients. Gathering experience and abundant knowledge of body, mind and lifestyle gives me the edge to help others in an efficient, easy and fun way that is miraculous! With my keen eye and intuition I fulfil the needs of all students.
Yoga Experience:
I am one of six people in the world teaching alchemic yoga, which stems from a traditional tantric system, adding Flowing Chinese practices and Ayurvedic Hatha yoga, Teaching yoga as a science for self-healing and connection to source.
Alchemy yoga classes are more so; physically gentle yet internally strong, working with the fluid and energy systems, organs and core muscles through; asana (postures), pranayama (breath), bandhas (energy locks), Chi Kung (soft energy movement), meditation, sound and visualisation.
I Explain the benefits of the postures and movements and the effects physically, emotionally and mentally within. This is very helpful to yoga teachers and people interested in the WHY of yoga and energy practices or people with the need to heal. In other words I pass on the healing tools for you to use through your life.
I give you the tools for the:
Keeping all of these systems as balanced as possible, we should be able to maintain health, happiness and transformation within. Once we understand how to use these powerful self-healing tools we gain a sense of liberation.
My healing keys are using intensity through visualisation, creating a loving and meaningful relationship with your entire being and understanding your emotional states. These are vital to physical health and effects on mind.
I have helped people with addictions, chronic fatigue, HIV, anxiety, depression and many other ailments with considerable success. It all really depends on your own efforts and consistency.
My Experience:
My first yoga experience was at The Australian Yoga School in Bondi Junction in 1989 where I learnt Hatha yoga. My teacher said to me"if you keep this up you will be teaching within three years". I did without that though the back of my mind. At the same time I was learning Tai Chi in Bondi.
In 1991 I met my foremost yoga and tai chi teacher and healer John Burke who had cleared himself of cancer with the help of two tantric gypsies. Studying and practicing intensely with him for seven years. After three years into my journey, I went on a personal retreat in a forest community for 14 months, utilising all the tools he shared with me. I was also lucky enough to gain healing and learning from Vedic chanting, body workers, sound healer and experiencing a 6-week workshop with an intuitive Bach flower healer; Kalina Rose. The most profound experience being a one-week Sufi workshop with Zahira, I learned tantric practices and Sufi dance; channeling came naturally through me. I also shared an amazing one-week coastal walk with a friend sleeping on beaches under the stars where we shared many of life's trials, tribulations and happy memories. So many amazing experiences came through me in this time, I could talk about them all day.
This personal retreat was when I created some of my most transformative and healing experiences, I gained confidence and trust which is what I lacked the most. It took me on a deep journey into the science of yoga and all healing modalities and the way energy works and controls us by power of thought, emotion and intense intention. The knowing that you can direct energy where it is needed, giving you the power to create change and heal.
When you put intention/energy out there the healers come to you, you will end up in the right place at the right time. You just need to let go and trust. This goes for any intention you wish, so be aware of that.
I met Swami Sarasvati in 2001, where I gained my yoga teaching diploma. Swami grew up in her father's ashram in India and was one of the first people to bring yoga to Australia. She was also channel nine's yoga teacher in the 70's, which as a very young child I practiced with her, the highlight of my morning.
Through my teacher training I became quite close with Swami and found her to be a genuine yogi, using the philosophies of yoga in daily life and understanding the human experience which she taught me. I completed my yoga teacher’s diploma 2002 and received an outstanding guest award. I continued studying and hanging out with Swami for a further three years until I moved up north. She was such a delight to be with and it was an honour that she took me under her wing.
In 2010/11 I studied modules of yoga therapy with Ganesh Mohan from the Krishnamacharya tradition and in 2012 a psychological module in yoga therapy with Sal Flynn.
Healing Experience:
In 1993 I travelled to Thailand, by chance met Asokananda (Harold Brust); a teacher of Traditional Thai Massage, Yoga and Meditation. Residing for 10 days in a Burmese hill tribe with him, I learned how to energise with the body's systems through the meridians and manipulating the body into yoga positions to release tensions, pains and other ailments. Waking at 5am to meditate on top of a mountain followed by a rich red sunrise yoga practice then moving into 10 hours of Thai massage lessons daily. What an experience!
Returning to Australia John recognised my natural talent for healing and taught me energy balancing, digestive treatments, herbs and the calcining of them and much more. I have learnt from many healers of many different modalities, which I have met through my own inner journey and they happily shared their work with me. The most recent being my learning with Elaine Croker - Prime Tuning Healing of Cellular Vibration which I feel is profound work.
Everything I have learned works all the way through to the DNA. You can change your genetics and this I have proved through my inner work.
After practicing body work all these years in 2019 I gained a certificate 4 in therapeutic massage.
I have also taught: swimming, surf awareness, capoeira (Brazilian martial art and dance), yoga to infant, primary and high school students and adults. This proves me to be a natural teacher.
My original work was restaurant manager so I guess this is where I learned about many different personality types.
My Healing Story
At the age of 25 I was feeling rather unwell, every time I went to the doctor with bronchial asthma they would test my lungs only to say that they were as healthy as an athlete. I looked healthy with a tan and a very fit body, from the outside I looked as if I had my life together!
My problem was that I was 'obsessive' in everything I did; from working hard, playing hard and training hard. I ended up in complete burn out. Later realising this was a way of emotional avoidance, due to a difficult childhood and I don't blame that, I embrace it as this is what brought me on my journey.
One day my doctor decided to give me a complete overhaul and found that I had a few liver disorders which I will not name as it is not part of my life anymore. I also had sciatica down my entire right leg, causing a lot of pain and grief and very sore mid to lower back which I later discovered was my kidneys. It was suggested for me to see a psychiatrist as I was told I was depressed. Well then I was!
Fortunately one week later I met John. On my first visit with him, he placed his hand above my liver and asked if I could feel the heat, then did the same over my kidneys and I could feel them absolutely burning. He told me that my entire filtering system was burnt out, hence the depression and anxiety.
He told me that obsession runs in my family (which it does) and explained that while it is very difficult to change an obsessive personality, you can change your obsessions to more healthy ones. This was my key to transformation and healing. He told me not to wait until I stopped my behaviour but to start coming to yoga and experience a natural high. Eventually I would not feel the need to take drugs nor to continue with this hardcore and damaging lifestyle. I continued working with John through regular healing treatments, herbs and practicing yoga with him and on my own. This may sound funny but I created a relationship with my organs by loving and talking to them every day! Telling my obsessive spleen to slow down and my sluggish liver to pick up, I began to heal and feel.
During one healing session, I had a visualisation of a dark-haired boy (liver) in a dark room, he was too scared to go outside. Outside was a sunny day, a blonde-haired (spleen), overactive boy started to skip down a hill, but in his over-excitement he tumbled down, landing at the door of the dark-haired boy. He beckoned for the boy to come outside, the boy’s mother encouraged him to go, he hesitantly walked to the front door. The blonde boy reached for his hand as the dark haired boy reached out, he immediately felt the warmth of the sun course through his body. The blonde boy took the hand of the dark-haired boy and they both skipped off in harmony, the blonde boy relaxed and the dark-haired boy confident. This visualisation represented the fact that my liver and my spleen were now in balance. No more obsession, depression or anxiety.
I once recounted this story to my father (who died of alcoholism and liver cancer). He said "that's sad" and when I asked why he told me that his drug addicted brother had painted a picture of a boy in a dark room just before he died but unfortunately he didn’t get a chance to paint the boy in the light. Maybe his brother was coming through me.
I say this to illustrate that we have the power to change things that are stamped in our DNA. All of the men in my dad’s family were addicts and died of the same dis-ease, my mother a chronic smoker. But I am living proof that we can change these genetic stamps and now my children and the next generations will no longer hold that stamp.
Later, I went back to the doctor for the same tests I originally had, and this time my liver problem didn’t show up at all and the other had became an antibody, in fact my liver was in excellent. Meaning I had pushed it deep within my DNA so that it no longer lives.
I once met a Tantric priest who took one look at me and said “a true alchemist is one that has healed a disease,” and then smiled at me.
Because of this miraculous healing and transformation in my own life, I am inspired to share my efforts with those who wish to; change their life, heal or increase their health and enjoy a natural way of living. Now that I have all of these tools your process will work much faster. For it is living the journey that makes you great at what you do.
Since 1990 I have been gathering my experience in yoga and its science along with other healing practices and modalities, my aim is to give you a deeply transformative experience.
Understanding the therapeutic benefits of 'yoga' and 'energy exercise' I utilise them to re-empower, create change and heal. Beginning my own journey with the need to heal myself and did so, successfully; story below......
Running retreats and wellness workshops since 1993, I love the transformative experiences received by my clients. Gathering experience and abundant knowledge of body, mind and lifestyle gives me the edge to help others in an efficient, easy and fun way that is miraculous! With my keen eye and intuition I fulfil the needs of all students.
Yoga Experience:
I am one of six people in the world teaching alchemic yoga, which stems from a traditional tantric system, adding Flowing Chinese practices and Ayurvedic Hatha yoga, Teaching yoga as a science for self-healing and connection to source.
Alchemy yoga classes are more so; physically gentle yet internally strong, working with the fluid and energy systems, organs and core muscles through; asana (postures), pranayama (breath), bandhas (energy locks), Chi Kung (soft energy movement), meditation, sound and visualisation.
I Explain the benefits of the postures and movements and the effects physically, emotionally and mentally within. This is very helpful to yoga teachers and people interested in the WHY of yoga and energy practices or people with the need to heal. In other words I pass on the healing tools for you to use through your life.
I give you the tools for the:
- 3 essences in all of life; the body, soul and spirit and how that relates to the body's chemistry and the connection to everything else that is living.
- Chakra system; energetic stations in the body that are supplied by universal energy to feed our organs and glands that represent our individual lifestyles.
- 5 elements; earth, fire, air, water and wood. Their connection to our earthly seasons and the organs working to their fullest capacity in their season and the emotions each organ is connected to.
Keeping all of these systems as balanced as possible, we should be able to maintain health, happiness and transformation within. Once we understand how to use these powerful self-healing tools we gain a sense of liberation.
My healing keys are using intensity through visualisation, creating a loving and meaningful relationship with your entire being and understanding your emotional states. These are vital to physical health and effects on mind.
I have helped people with addictions, chronic fatigue, HIV, anxiety, depression and many other ailments with considerable success. It all really depends on your own efforts and consistency.
My Experience:
My first yoga experience was at The Australian Yoga School in Bondi Junction in 1989 where I learnt Hatha yoga. My teacher said to me"if you keep this up you will be teaching within three years". I did without that though the back of my mind. At the same time I was learning Tai Chi in Bondi.
In 1991 I met my foremost yoga and tai chi teacher and healer John Burke who had cleared himself of cancer with the help of two tantric gypsies. Studying and practicing intensely with him for seven years. After three years into my journey, I went on a personal retreat in a forest community for 14 months, utilising all the tools he shared with me. I was also lucky enough to gain healing and learning from Vedic chanting, body workers, sound healer and experiencing a 6-week workshop with an intuitive Bach flower healer; Kalina Rose. The most profound experience being a one-week Sufi workshop with Zahira, I learned tantric practices and Sufi dance; channeling came naturally through me. I also shared an amazing one-week coastal walk with a friend sleeping on beaches under the stars where we shared many of life's trials, tribulations and happy memories. So many amazing experiences came through me in this time, I could talk about them all day.
This personal retreat was when I created some of my most transformative and healing experiences, I gained confidence and trust which is what I lacked the most. It took me on a deep journey into the science of yoga and all healing modalities and the way energy works and controls us by power of thought, emotion and intense intention. The knowing that you can direct energy where it is needed, giving you the power to create change and heal.
When you put intention/energy out there the healers come to you, you will end up in the right place at the right time. You just need to let go and trust. This goes for any intention you wish, so be aware of that.
I met Swami Sarasvati in 2001, where I gained my yoga teaching diploma. Swami grew up in her father's ashram in India and was one of the first people to bring yoga to Australia. She was also channel nine's yoga teacher in the 70's, which as a very young child I practiced with her, the highlight of my morning.
Through my teacher training I became quite close with Swami and found her to be a genuine yogi, using the philosophies of yoga in daily life and understanding the human experience which she taught me. I completed my yoga teacher’s diploma 2002 and received an outstanding guest award. I continued studying and hanging out with Swami for a further three years until I moved up north. She was such a delight to be with and it was an honour that she took me under her wing.
In 2010/11 I studied modules of yoga therapy with Ganesh Mohan from the Krishnamacharya tradition and in 2012 a psychological module in yoga therapy with Sal Flynn.
Healing Experience:
In 1993 I travelled to Thailand, by chance met Asokananda (Harold Brust); a teacher of Traditional Thai Massage, Yoga and Meditation. Residing for 10 days in a Burmese hill tribe with him, I learned how to energise with the body's systems through the meridians and manipulating the body into yoga positions to release tensions, pains and other ailments. Waking at 5am to meditate on top of a mountain followed by a rich red sunrise yoga practice then moving into 10 hours of Thai massage lessons daily. What an experience!
Returning to Australia John recognised my natural talent for healing and taught me energy balancing, digestive treatments, herbs and the calcining of them and much more. I have learnt from many healers of many different modalities, which I have met through my own inner journey and they happily shared their work with me. The most recent being my learning with Elaine Croker - Prime Tuning Healing of Cellular Vibration which I feel is profound work.
Everything I have learned works all the way through to the DNA. You can change your genetics and this I have proved through my inner work.
After practicing body work all these years in 2019 I gained a certificate 4 in therapeutic massage.
I have also taught: swimming, surf awareness, capoeira (Brazilian martial art and dance), yoga to infant, primary and high school students and adults. This proves me to be a natural teacher.
My original work was restaurant manager so I guess this is where I learned about many different personality types.
My Healing Story
At the age of 25 I was feeling rather unwell, every time I went to the doctor with bronchial asthma they would test my lungs only to say that they were as healthy as an athlete. I looked healthy with a tan and a very fit body, from the outside I looked as if I had my life together!
My problem was that I was 'obsessive' in everything I did; from working hard, playing hard and training hard. I ended up in complete burn out. Later realising this was a way of emotional avoidance, due to a difficult childhood and I don't blame that, I embrace it as this is what brought me on my journey.
One day my doctor decided to give me a complete overhaul and found that I had a few liver disorders which I will not name as it is not part of my life anymore. I also had sciatica down my entire right leg, causing a lot of pain and grief and very sore mid to lower back which I later discovered was my kidneys. It was suggested for me to see a psychiatrist as I was told I was depressed. Well then I was!
Fortunately one week later I met John. On my first visit with him, he placed his hand above my liver and asked if I could feel the heat, then did the same over my kidneys and I could feel them absolutely burning. He told me that my entire filtering system was burnt out, hence the depression and anxiety.
He told me that obsession runs in my family (which it does) and explained that while it is very difficult to change an obsessive personality, you can change your obsessions to more healthy ones. This was my key to transformation and healing. He told me not to wait until I stopped my behaviour but to start coming to yoga and experience a natural high. Eventually I would not feel the need to take drugs nor to continue with this hardcore and damaging lifestyle. I continued working with John through regular healing treatments, herbs and practicing yoga with him and on my own. This may sound funny but I created a relationship with my organs by loving and talking to them every day! Telling my obsessive spleen to slow down and my sluggish liver to pick up, I began to heal and feel.
During one healing session, I had a visualisation of a dark-haired boy (liver) in a dark room, he was too scared to go outside. Outside was a sunny day, a blonde-haired (spleen), overactive boy started to skip down a hill, but in his over-excitement he tumbled down, landing at the door of the dark-haired boy. He beckoned for the boy to come outside, the boy’s mother encouraged him to go, he hesitantly walked to the front door. The blonde boy reached for his hand as the dark haired boy reached out, he immediately felt the warmth of the sun course through his body. The blonde boy took the hand of the dark-haired boy and they both skipped off in harmony, the blonde boy relaxed and the dark-haired boy confident. This visualisation represented the fact that my liver and my spleen were now in balance. No more obsession, depression or anxiety.
I once recounted this story to my father (who died of alcoholism and liver cancer). He said "that's sad" and when I asked why he told me that his drug addicted brother had painted a picture of a boy in a dark room just before he died but unfortunately he didn’t get a chance to paint the boy in the light. Maybe his brother was coming through me.
I say this to illustrate that we have the power to change things that are stamped in our DNA. All of the men in my dad’s family were addicts and died of the same dis-ease, my mother a chronic smoker. But I am living proof that we can change these genetic stamps and now my children and the next generations will no longer hold that stamp.
Later, I went back to the doctor for the same tests I originally had, and this time my liver problem didn’t show up at all and the other had became an antibody, in fact my liver was in excellent. Meaning I had pushed it deep within my DNA so that it no longer lives.
I once met a Tantric priest who took one look at me and said “a true alchemist is one that has healed a disease,” and then smiled at me.
Because of this miraculous healing and transformation in my own life, I am inspired to share my efforts with those who wish to; change their life, heal or increase their health and enjoy a natural way of living. Now that I have all of these tools your process will work much faster. For it is living the journey that makes you great at what you do.