Winter is a the water element
Emotions relating are fear and courage
Predominant organs are kidney and bladder
Visualisation is a Black crescent moon
The sound is fu
Kidneys most active - 5-7pm
Bladder most active - 3-5pm
Autumn is the time for letting go, leaves fall from the trees, snakes shed skin our skin dries and flakes. We allow our debris to dissolve into earth mother for her nourishment and our blossoming. In winter we are self-reflecting, preparing the soil for another of our own blossoming’s in spring.
Autumn is the time of letting go, leaves fall from the trees, snakes shed skin our skin dries and flakes. We allow our debris to dissolve into earth mother for her nourishment and our blossoming. In winter we are self-reflecting, preparing the soil for another of our own blossoming’s in spring.
Winter arrives we are left a little raw; we begin to see what is inside, reflecting on our year of events and feel on a deep emotional level. We begin to create ripples in our waters, as we see what has been and then dream up what can be better; will be better.
Allowing yourself to flow in the current of your intentions with emotion and self-belief, allowing earthly and universal guidance.
Winter is a time of self-reflection and deep emotional states; imagine you are looking at your image in still water. Every time your emotional state changes you cause a slight ripple and the reflection changes slightly.
It is now time to use the cold winter months; as the cool contractions pull you inward giving time to self reflect and feel deep into your bones. Then create a plan to genetically modify your seed.
Spring comes along; we have genetically modified our new seed through winter. Our soil has been prepared from the winter waters and autumn nourishment for growth of this seed; the warming spring sun provides the energy for this precious seed to grow.
The kidneys and bladder are working hardest in this season keeping our fluids clean and our emotions cool. If these organs are depleted we may experience fear, which has the ability to set off many other emotions. Once we give these organs a boost we will begin to feel excited about modifying our seed (the unknown change) and have the courage to plant it in spring allowing ourselves to grow.
"Winter is our deepest, most emotional time, we move deep into our bones, revealing our hidden treasures". It is our time of dreaming; day and night.
Dream clearly and specifically, feel it and believe in it and see it. This is how we genetically modify in alchemy. Daydreams are just as or more important as night dreams, we are visualising pictures in our mind and visualisation is our most powerful tool.
"Be Aware Of What You Think and Feel".
Try following this regime and you will discover that fear will not overwhelm you and instead excitement and courage will.
"Helping your dream to Manifest it’s Best".
The organs working the strongest in winter are the kidneys (bean shaped organs the size of your fist) and bladder. They are cleansing the blood and discharging the toxic waste through the urinary system; so it is important to drink lots of warm clean water, not cold, as we don’t want those kidneys to harden and cause more contraction in these cold winter months. The kidneys also create prana/chi/energy and this prana tops up our organs, as it is needed, along with their many other functions.
Corn silk tea or a little juniper berry is great to cleanse the kidneys and the entire urinary system so why not try this for a week or so. Juniper berry is quite harsh but a strong alkaliser, it is excellent if you have toxic kidneys. Chew about five berries just a little to crush them and put in enzymes from your saliva, spit them into your cup, pour boiling water over them and place a cover such as a saucer over the cup to trap the steam, which carry the most volatile oils. Once you can hold the cup comfortably for the count of ten without burning your hands, the tea is ready to drink. You should only drink juniper for approximately five days.
Always check with your practitioner before taking herbs.
Eat grounding, winter root vegetables such as sweet potato, pumpkin, potato.
Adzuki beans are great to help balance the hormones of the kidneys; cook beans in water with kelp and add sweet potato.
Ear Tapping and ear rubbing and I mean rubbing are of great benefit as the ears are strongly related to the kidneys. The ears are an indicator of your kidney function; tinnitus is a sign that your kidneys may need help as well as mid back pain (between the top line of hips and lower ribs). Golden, smelly urine is often a good sign that you are dehydrated.
Bhujangasana, dhanurasana, chakrasana, all back arching poses help to cleanse and strengthen the kidneys.
Remember to counter pose with child pose, it is great for opening and cleansing the kidneys, you will feel an improvement to those sore backs as you create space for the discs between the vertebrae.
Another lovely yet simple exercise is to rub upward on the kidneys at the mid back to filter and give them warmth; give them a gentle pummel too.
The kidneys and bladder deserve a little treat for their hard efforts, your fluids will be clear and you will hold extra prana (life force), which is what we are mostly made up of. Clear, clean fluids and plentiful supply of prana creates perfect health and a courageous mind.
Bhastrika - rapid panting breath. Inhale and gently force the abdomen to expand, exhale gently force the abdomen back toward the spine; ensure you are working below and above the navel. Begin slowly progress into a rapid breath. Practice as long as comfortable. Only breathe slowly with heart disease, high blood pressure or peptic ulcers.
This breath will oxygenate the blood, creates heat and flushes waste and toxins. It tones the digestive organs, cleanses the frontal lobe of the brain. Balances and strengthens the nervous system, inducing peace and tranquillity.
Emotions relating are fear and courage
Predominant organs are kidney and bladder
Visualisation is a Black crescent moon
The sound is fu
Kidneys most active - 5-7pm
Bladder most active - 3-5pm
Autumn is the time for letting go, leaves fall from the trees, snakes shed skin our skin dries and flakes. We allow our debris to dissolve into earth mother for her nourishment and our blossoming. In winter we are self-reflecting, preparing the soil for another of our own blossoming’s in spring.
Autumn is the time of letting go, leaves fall from the trees, snakes shed skin our skin dries and flakes. We allow our debris to dissolve into earth mother for her nourishment and our blossoming. In winter we are self-reflecting, preparing the soil for another of our own blossoming’s in spring.
Winter arrives we are left a little raw; we begin to see what is inside, reflecting on our year of events and feel on a deep emotional level. We begin to create ripples in our waters, as we see what has been and then dream up what can be better; will be better.
Allowing yourself to flow in the current of your intentions with emotion and self-belief, allowing earthly and universal guidance.
Winter is a time of self-reflection and deep emotional states; imagine you are looking at your image in still water. Every time your emotional state changes you cause a slight ripple and the reflection changes slightly.
It is now time to use the cold winter months; as the cool contractions pull you inward giving time to self reflect and feel deep into your bones. Then create a plan to genetically modify your seed.
Spring comes along; we have genetically modified our new seed through winter. Our soil has been prepared from the winter waters and autumn nourishment for growth of this seed; the warming spring sun provides the energy for this precious seed to grow.
The kidneys and bladder are working hardest in this season keeping our fluids clean and our emotions cool. If these organs are depleted we may experience fear, which has the ability to set off many other emotions. Once we give these organs a boost we will begin to feel excited about modifying our seed (the unknown change) and have the courage to plant it in spring allowing ourselves to grow.
"Winter is our deepest, most emotional time, we move deep into our bones, revealing our hidden treasures". It is our time of dreaming; day and night.
Dream clearly and specifically, feel it and believe in it and see it. This is how we genetically modify in alchemy. Daydreams are just as or more important as night dreams, we are visualising pictures in our mind and visualisation is our most powerful tool.
"Be Aware Of What You Think and Feel".
Try following this regime and you will discover that fear will not overwhelm you and instead excitement and courage will.
"Helping your dream to Manifest it’s Best".
The organs working the strongest in winter are the kidneys (bean shaped organs the size of your fist) and bladder. They are cleansing the blood and discharging the toxic waste through the urinary system; so it is important to drink lots of warm clean water, not cold, as we don’t want those kidneys to harden and cause more contraction in these cold winter months. The kidneys also create prana/chi/energy and this prana tops up our organs, as it is needed, along with their many other functions.
Corn silk tea or a little juniper berry is great to cleanse the kidneys and the entire urinary system so why not try this for a week or so. Juniper berry is quite harsh but a strong alkaliser, it is excellent if you have toxic kidneys. Chew about five berries just a little to crush them and put in enzymes from your saliva, spit them into your cup, pour boiling water over them and place a cover such as a saucer over the cup to trap the steam, which carry the most volatile oils. Once you can hold the cup comfortably for the count of ten without burning your hands, the tea is ready to drink. You should only drink juniper for approximately five days.
Always check with your practitioner before taking herbs.
Eat grounding, winter root vegetables such as sweet potato, pumpkin, potato.
Adzuki beans are great to help balance the hormones of the kidneys; cook beans in water with kelp and add sweet potato.
Ear Tapping and ear rubbing and I mean rubbing are of great benefit as the ears are strongly related to the kidneys. The ears are an indicator of your kidney function; tinnitus is a sign that your kidneys may need help as well as mid back pain (between the top line of hips and lower ribs). Golden, smelly urine is often a good sign that you are dehydrated.
Bhujangasana, dhanurasana, chakrasana, all back arching poses help to cleanse and strengthen the kidneys.
Remember to counter pose with child pose, it is great for opening and cleansing the kidneys, you will feel an improvement to those sore backs as you create space for the discs between the vertebrae.
Another lovely yet simple exercise is to rub upward on the kidneys at the mid back to filter and give them warmth; give them a gentle pummel too.
The kidneys and bladder deserve a little treat for their hard efforts, your fluids will be clear and you will hold extra prana (life force), which is what we are mostly made up of. Clear, clean fluids and plentiful supply of prana creates perfect health and a courageous mind.
Bhastrika - rapid panting breath. Inhale and gently force the abdomen to expand, exhale gently force the abdomen back toward the spine; ensure you are working below and above the navel. Begin slowly progress into a rapid breath. Practice as long as comfortable. Only breathe slowly with heart disease, high blood pressure or peptic ulcers.
This breath will oxygenate the blood, creates heat and flushes waste and toxins. It tones the digestive organs, cleanses the frontal lobe of the brain. Balances and strengthens the nervous system, inducing peace and tranquillity.