Summer - Fire Element
Organs: Heart, Small Intestine and Blood
Emotions: Hate, Frustration, Dissatisfaction or Peace, Passion, Love.
Visualisation – Red Triangle
The sound – Ha
Heart most active 11am-1pm – Blood Circulation, High Energy, Lunchtime
Small Intestines most active 1-3pm – Digest and assimilate food, Nap time, low energy
Spring is the time of new beginnings and birth, summer is the time to allow that birthing to come to full fruit. After the blossom forms the fruit grows, we just need to keep the worms out.
Hate, frustration, feeling lost or vulnerable takes away our creative drive and internal peace. Practice a non-verbal art to help express and clear your emotions because what we try to say from our heart is often not exactly what we mean as the head tends to get in the way.
Now is the time to smile and feel happy, even if you're not fake it til you make it. When going to sleep at night and waking in the morning put a smile on your face and release with the sound ha three times. This will give your blood a beautiful texture, increase the blood flow to the brain and keep your heart relaxed. Then when hate and frustration arrive at your doorstep you will be able to deal with it differently by creating this autonomic programming.
After a cleanse in spring remember we need to nourish, it is sometimes easy to forget this important factor of rejuvenation.
As the weather heats up so do our bodies, expanding the blood vessels, now is time the blood pumps strongly through the body to give nourishment to our organs and glands. Keep the heart at a regular beat and the blood at a comfortable temperature. Becoming over-heated or over excited places too much heat into the small intestines and increases our blood pressure and heart rate. Stay calm and keep your cool to ensure efficient absorption of nutrition from the intestines into the blood without too much acid. It will also aid an even heart rate and a calm and comfortable heart and reduces acidity in the blood and lymph.
The best way to do this is with sheetali pranayama; make a tunnel with your tongue (if this is impossible bring your teeth to just touching) inhale through the mouth into the belly, hold breath for 3 seconds allowing the belly to cool. Exhale the heat through the nostrils as if you are a dragon exhaling fire, do this 3-4 times to keep cool and calm.
Postures for the heart are;
Salute to the sun keeps efficient circulation through the entire body taking blood to all organs and glands. Most importantly it keeps the fire channel (pingala Nadi) in balance, whether it is over or under active.
Cobra - lay on your tummy bring hands under shoulders and squeeze elbows in toward the body, exhale press pubic bone into floor then inhale and lift the head and chest off the floor, keep back of neck long, chest lifted and pelvis on the floor, this exercises helps to open the heart if you have high blood pressure do not hold the breath just lift up on inhalation and come back down on next exhalation, if low blood pressure hold raised in cobra with breath held in, come down on exhalation.
Plank – come onto hands and knees, tuck toes under straighten legs lifting knees off the floor so you are holding a nice flat spine with hands under shoulders and shoulders rolled out, tuck tail bone under to help keep bottom down and abdomen pulled in, hold this position for as long as possible concentrate on your breath.
All stretches using the arms will help the heart as the hands lead to the heart.
Chakrasana (back arch) it doesn’t matter if you can’t get your head or shoulders off the floor, just pressing into your arms at this angle activates the heart meridian.
All forward bends aid the small intestines as you gently squeeze into the lower abdomen, when the forward bend occurs, be sure to bend from the hips not lower spine or mid back. It also gives us a chance to calm down and go within.
Uddiyana bandha the abdominal lift takes the pressure off the small intestines due to slouching posture, this should be taught under careful guidance.
To bring deep relaxation to the heart and lower blood pressure is practicing our favourite; Yoga nidra, it slows the heart, calms the mind/body giving you a peaceful heart and soul. This is done by laying on your back allowing toes to fan out, palms turned up to the sky slightly away from the body and a slight smile on the face relaxing the tongue behind top teeth. Take full breathes from the base of the body to the top of the head a few times, letting go on every exhalation, then go through all body parts from toes to head allowing each body part to relax as you glide through them.
Try this Soul Meditation
The best foods to eat are the ones grown in summer in your area in summer season, mostly the red ones.
Stone fruits help to cleanse the blood especially yummy cherries as doe’s rhubarb and berries that keep the system alkalised.
Beetroot a great blood cleanser; try this with yoghurt and dill. Cooking with garlic helps to keep the blood clean.
Basil stimulates the muscles around the heart and lowers blood pressure.
Oats soothe and clean the small intestines, keeping you regular, they soothe the nerves and lower LDL (cholesterol) keeping the arteries clear.
Garlic and Echinacea will clean the red and white blood cells, it is similar to an anti biotic; take 15 drops in a tsp of water up to 3 times daily, 5 drops for a child. Check with your practitioner first.
Slippery elm will suck the old mucous lining from the small intestines and pull a new one through; it aids elimination of parasites. Elm is a great aid for arthritis as oils are taken from our intestines via the blood and placed into the joints, the cleaner the intestines the less acid taken to the joints. Take one heaped tsp in a glass of water stir well, take first thing in the morning before eating or put it on your oats or yoghurt, do this for 6 weeks (if you miss more than one morning begin from start) as it re-coats the entire digestive tract from stomach to anus; be sure to drink plenty of water through the day otherwise you may end up a little constipated as slippery elm thickens.
A good strong strand of pro biotic after this course will give you a healthy gut flora which boosts the immune.
Organs: Heart, Small Intestine and Blood
Emotions: Hate, Frustration, Dissatisfaction or Peace, Passion, Love.
Visualisation – Red Triangle
The sound – Ha
Heart most active 11am-1pm – Blood Circulation, High Energy, Lunchtime
Small Intestines most active 1-3pm – Digest and assimilate food, Nap time, low energy
Spring is the time of new beginnings and birth, summer is the time to allow that birthing to come to full fruit. After the blossom forms the fruit grows, we just need to keep the worms out.
Hate, frustration, feeling lost or vulnerable takes away our creative drive and internal peace. Practice a non-verbal art to help express and clear your emotions because what we try to say from our heart is often not exactly what we mean as the head tends to get in the way.
Now is the time to smile and feel happy, even if you're not fake it til you make it. When going to sleep at night and waking in the morning put a smile on your face and release with the sound ha three times. This will give your blood a beautiful texture, increase the blood flow to the brain and keep your heart relaxed. Then when hate and frustration arrive at your doorstep you will be able to deal with it differently by creating this autonomic programming.
After a cleanse in spring remember we need to nourish, it is sometimes easy to forget this important factor of rejuvenation.
As the weather heats up so do our bodies, expanding the blood vessels, now is time the blood pumps strongly through the body to give nourishment to our organs and glands. Keep the heart at a regular beat and the blood at a comfortable temperature. Becoming over-heated or over excited places too much heat into the small intestines and increases our blood pressure and heart rate. Stay calm and keep your cool to ensure efficient absorption of nutrition from the intestines into the blood without too much acid. It will also aid an even heart rate and a calm and comfortable heart and reduces acidity in the blood and lymph.
The best way to do this is with sheetali pranayama; make a tunnel with your tongue (if this is impossible bring your teeth to just touching) inhale through the mouth into the belly, hold breath for 3 seconds allowing the belly to cool. Exhale the heat through the nostrils as if you are a dragon exhaling fire, do this 3-4 times to keep cool and calm.
Postures for the heart are;
Salute to the sun keeps efficient circulation through the entire body taking blood to all organs and glands. Most importantly it keeps the fire channel (pingala Nadi) in balance, whether it is over or under active.
Cobra - lay on your tummy bring hands under shoulders and squeeze elbows in toward the body, exhale press pubic bone into floor then inhale and lift the head and chest off the floor, keep back of neck long, chest lifted and pelvis on the floor, this exercises helps to open the heart if you have high blood pressure do not hold the breath just lift up on inhalation and come back down on next exhalation, if low blood pressure hold raised in cobra with breath held in, come down on exhalation.
Plank – come onto hands and knees, tuck toes under straighten legs lifting knees off the floor so you are holding a nice flat spine with hands under shoulders and shoulders rolled out, tuck tail bone under to help keep bottom down and abdomen pulled in, hold this position for as long as possible concentrate on your breath.
All stretches using the arms will help the heart as the hands lead to the heart.
Chakrasana (back arch) it doesn’t matter if you can’t get your head or shoulders off the floor, just pressing into your arms at this angle activates the heart meridian.
All forward bends aid the small intestines as you gently squeeze into the lower abdomen, when the forward bend occurs, be sure to bend from the hips not lower spine or mid back. It also gives us a chance to calm down and go within.
Uddiyana bandha the abdominal lift takes the pressure off the small intestines due to slouching posture, this should be taught under careful guidance.
To bring deep relaxation to the heart and lower blood pressure is practicing our favourite; Yoga nidra, it slows the heart, calms the mind/body giving you a peaceful heart and soul. This is done by laying on your back allowing toes to fan out, palms turned up to the sky slightly away from the body and a slight smile on the face relaxing the tongue behind top teeth. Take full breathes from the base of the body to the top of the head a few times, letting go on every exhalation, then go through all body parts from toes to head allowing each body part to relax as you glide through them.
Try this Soul Meditation
The best foods to eat are the ones grown in summer in your area in summer season, mostly the red ones.
Stone fruits help to cleanse the blood especially yummy cherries as doe’s rhubarb and berries that keep the system alkalised.
Beetroot a great blood cleanser; try this with yoghurt and dill. Cooking with garlic helps to keep the blood clean.
Basil stimulates the muscles around the heart and lowers blood pressure.
Oats soothe and clean the small intestines, keeping you regular, they soothe the nerves and lower LDL (cholesterol) keeping the arteries clear.
Garlic and Echinacea will clean the red and white blood cells, it is similar to an anti biotic; take 15 drops in a tsp of water up to 3 times daily, 5 drops for a child. Check with your practitioner first.
Slippery elm will suck the old mucous lining from the small intestines and pull a new one through; it aids elimination of parasites. Elm is a great aid for arthritis as oils are taken from our intestines via the blood and placed into the joints, the cleaner the intestines the less acid taken to the joints. Take one heaped tsp in a glass of water stir well, take first thing in the morning before eating or put it on your oats or yoghurt, do this for 6 weeks (if you miss more than one morning begin from start) as it re-coats the entire digestive tract from stomach to anus; be sure to drink plenty of water through the day otherwise you may end up a little constipated as slippery elm thickens.
A good strong strand of pro biotic after this course will give you a healthy gut flora which boosts the immune.